SHOBU HAJIME | Start the Match or Bout | After the announcement, the Referee takes a step back. |
ATOSHI BARAKU | A little more time left | An audible signal will be given by the timekeeper 15 seconds before the actual end of the bout and the Referee will announce “Atoshi Baraku”. |
YAME | Stop | Interruption, or end of the bout. As he makes the announcement, the Referee makes a downward chopping motion with his hand. |
MOTO NO ICHI | Original position | Contestants and Referee return to their starting positions. |
TSUZUKETE | Fight on | Resumption of fighting ordered when an unauthorised interruption occurs. |
TSUZUKETE HAJIME | Resume fighting – Begin | The Referee stands in a forward stance. As he says “Tsuzukete” he extends his arms, palms outwards towards the contestants. As he says “Hajime” he turns the palms and brings them rapidly towards one another, at the same time stepping back. |
SHUGO | Judges called | The Referee calls the Judges at the end of the match or bout, or to recommend SHIKKAKU. |
HANTEI | Decision | Referee calls for a decision at the end of an inconclusive match. After a short blast of the whistle, the Judges render their vote by flag signal and the Referee indicates his own vote by raising his arm. |
HIKIWAKE | Draw | In case of a tied bout, the Referee crosses his arms, then extends them with the palms showing to the front. |
AKA (AO) NO KACHI | Red (Blue) wins | The Referee obliquely raises his arm on the side of the winner. |
AKA (AO) IPPON | Red (Blue) scores three points | The Referee raises his arm up at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer. |
AKA (AO) WAZA-ARI | Red (Blue) scores two points | The Referee extends his arm at shoulder level on the side of the scorer. |
AKA (AO) YUKO | Red (Blue) scores one point | The Referee extends his arm downward at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer. |
CHUKOKU | Warning | The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence. |
KEIKOKU | Warning | The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger downwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender. |
HANSOKU-CHUI | Warning of disqualification | The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger horizontally in the direction of the offender. |
HANSOKU | Disqualification | The Referee indicates a Category 1 or 2 offence then points with his index finger upwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender, and announces a win for the opponent. |
JOGAI | Exit from the match area not caused by the opponent | The Referee points his index finger on the side of the offender to indicate to the Judges that the contestant has moved out of the area. |
SENSHU | First unopposed point advantage | After awarding the point in the regular fashion, the Referee turns to Kansa calling “Aka (Ao) Senshu” while holding his index finger raised pointing to the side of the scoring contestant. |
SHIKKAKU | Disqualification “Leave the Area” | The Referee points first upwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the offender then motions out and behind with the announcement “AKA (AO) SHIKKAKU!” He then announces a win for the opponent. |
KIKEN | Renunciation | For Kumite the Referee points downwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the contestant’s or team’s side of the mat For Kata the Chief Judge makes the same gesture using the flag. |
MUBOBI | Self Endangerment | The Referee touches his face then turning his hand edge forward, moves it back and forth to indicate to the Judges that the contestant endangered himself. |