1. The Competitors – or teams – are assigned in groups of eight per competition area.
2. Before each round the Competitors or teams must submit their chosen kata to the assigned Runners whom will relay the information to the Software Operator of the electronic judging system.
3. At the start of each round the Competitors, or teams, will line up at the match area perimeter facing the Judges. (A round is to be understood as one performance of all the Competitors of a group.) Following the bows, initially “SHOMEN NI REI” — and subsequently; “OTAGAI NI REI”, the Competitors will then step back out of the Match Area.
4. When called, each Competitor – or team – will step up to the starting point for the Kata.
5. The starting point for the performance is anywhere within the perimeter of the competition area.
6. After the bow the Competitor must announce clearly the name of the Kata that is to be performed and then start the performance.
7. At the end of the performance, which is defined as the final bow in the kata, the Competitor must wait for the announcement of the evaluation, bow, and then leave the Tatami.
8. In the end of each group all the Competitors of that group will line up — and the operator (speaker) will announce the top four that will pass to the next round. The name of the top four will be shown on the monitor. The Competitors will then bow and leave the mat.
9. Before the medal bouts, the operator will announce the top 3 Competitors of each of the two groups that will go to the medal bouts.
I. The starting point for Kata performance is within the perimeter of the competition area.
II. For schematic illustration of places obtained in kata competition according to regular WKF rules see APPENDIX 16: PREMIER LEAGUE KATA COMPETITION.