Kumite (old version, 2015) → Вопрос №125
When the Referee stops the bout because he has seen a score and the four Judges do not give any signal the Referee can give the score.
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For a decision the Referee shall have the support of at least two judges. If no such support, and the referee was sure that assessment, it may not make a decision and award the score.
KUMITE 2015 → ARTICLE 12: POWERS AND DUTIES → EXPLANATION → II. When the Referee decides to halt the bout f…
II. When the Referee decides to halt the bout for any other reason than a signal given by two, or more, of the judges he will call “YAME” at the same time using the required hand signal. The Judges will then signal their opinions and the Referee will render the decisions for which there is agreement between two or more judges.