Kumite (old version, 2015) → Вопрос №141
KUMITE 2015 → ARTICLE 12: POWERS AND DUTIES → MATCH SUPERVISORS → I. The Match Supervisor (KANSA) will assist the…
I. The Match Supervisor (KANSA) will assist the Tatami Manager by overseeing the match or bout in progress. Should decisions of the Referee and/or Judges, not be in accordance with the Rules of Competition, the Match Supervisor will immediately raise the red flag and blow his whistle. The Tatami Manager will instruct the Referee to halt the match or bout and correct the irregularity. Records kept of the match shall become official records subject to the approval of the Match Supervisor. Before the start of each match or bout the Match Supervisor will ensure that the contestants are wearing approved equipment. The match Supervisor will not rotate during Team matches.