Kumite (old version, 2015) → Вопрос №92
Grabbing below the waist and throwing is only allowed if the thrower holds on to the opponent so that a safe landing can be made.
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KUMITE 2015 → ARTICLE 6: SCORING → EXPLANATION → I. For reasons of safety, throws where the oppo…
I. For reasons of safety, throws where the opponent is grabbed below the waist, thrown without being held onto, or thrown dangerously, or where the pivot point is above belt level, are prohibited and will incur a warning or penalty. Exceptions are conventional karate leg sweeping techniques, which do not require the opponent to be held while executing the sweep such as de ashi-barai, ko uchi gari, kani waza etc. After a throw has been executed the Referee will allow the contestant time to immediately attempt a scoring technique.